Friday 6 November 2009

Hoosiers CD cover analysis

This CD cover promotes the artist. The CU of the main artist highlights his preense as the leader of the group. His face is half cast in shadow which represents him as mysterious and powerful. His expression is one of intrigue, and makes us wonder what he's looking at and could imply that we as the audiance is Mr. A, because he's looking at camera. Mr. A is the subject of the song and in the narrative they capture him. This could represent the beggining of the narrative when they first come into contact with him. The other band members are compositionally positioned behind each other to create a sense of depth. The costume of the band is indie in style. However, they're all dressed individually within the style and are all looking in different directions and posing differently. This all equates to a band represented as individuals. They all look like they're in action and the photo captures a narrative. The dark and silhouetted background also adds a sense of mystery. The owls also serve this function and are symbols of wisdom, which could reflect on the band. They're in flight which suggests they're flying away from something. The text is in contrast with the background and is in spooky writing.

Posted by Sid Charity

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