Friday 6 November 2009

Single Cover Analysis

This single cover for The Beatles is an excellent example of a certain image trying to be sold to the public. The band itself is trying to sell a hippie image of themselves. The wavy writing is very peaceful and creates a chilled vibe and gives a good description of what the two songs are about. The songs themseleves are very laid back and relaxed with a very hippie vibe. Revoloution especially is about not wanting violence. I think that the image of the band on the front shows the band wearing relaxed, baggy, hippie clothes that convey thier love for peace instead of violence.

This cover is very good at selling the artist as it conveys the message and ideology of the band off the cuff. This is something that would probably be a good idea for us. To be able to convey our artist and the type of music that the single is on the album cover is the best way to make sales. For our album cover we would have to include images our band plus possible stills from our video to be able to further sell our artist. It would also be best if we could include something to try and show what our song is about.

Posted by Edward Lindey

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys,
    As before please create your promo pack and analyse other artist's choices. You are tending to describe rather than analyse. Use Goodwins theories as a guide to your analysis.
