Monday, 2 November 2009

post-shooting analysis

We have learnt a great deal from shooting over half term. We should've been more empathetic to our talent. We should've treated them with more respect during filming and done everything we could to make them feel comfortable. Even though we bought them food and drinks for the time they were working it was their emotional aspect we didn't properly cater for. This was evident because our first singer was especially awkward in front of camera as well as our first drummer. They both dropped out.
We have also learnt about organisation.
  • We need to reherse our shots and refine them before shooting.
  • Make sure we have transport (we couldn't use the car we planned to use) which meant our locations were limited.
  • Plan when and where we needed specific talent. Some of our actors were present for time they didn't need to be. This made them distressed becasue they have work to do during half term as well. This compromised their willingness to contribute their upmost when it came to their turn.
  • We had limited sunlight hours, starting earlier would've solved this.
  • plan which shots to do when.
  • We couldn't gain access to the dark room at school to film our processing scene and couldn't access school during half term so have to film that scene in the near future.

We made a lot of decisions about what shots to shoot when we were filming and loosely stuck to our storyboards. The concept remained the same except we adapted the twist at the end. We originally planned a CU of the "stalker," in bed, which zoomed out to reveal the love interest in the bed as well. Implying their married. We chose to do the same, except with the rest of the band in the same bed as well. This added a comic factor, as well as playing on the fact the band are portraying the narrative.

Posted By Sid Charity

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