Monday 28 September 2009

New concept for music video

We changed our original idea because we felt the relationship between the lyrics and visuals was too literal and unoriginal and therefore uninteresting and non-captivating.

Our new idea is based around photography. It opens with the main subject (not the artist) travelling around on a bicycle and public transport to buy film, load it into his camera and travel to locations to take pictures. What he’s taking pictures of won‘t be in frame to add an air of mystery. During this the artist will be walking past as a random pedestrian, the person at the counter of the processing shop and other onlookers singing the song.

The main subject will then process the photos in a dark room. It will continuously crosscut between the photo taking and the dark room. Inside the dark room we will use a projector to project some of the pictures he has taken onto the back of his white t-shirt for extra aesthetic strength and interest. We will also print some pictures onto white t-shirts for him to wear. The t-shirt he’s wearing could relate and adapt to his surroundings from shot to shot while he’s taking the photos. We will print a photo of a room with an abundance of pictorial space onto a t-shirt and then project a photo of him onto it.

As he processes them, colourful and trippy images emerge contrasting to the dull places he takes the pictures, this will be shot in black and white to exaggerate this.

We get the sense that he’s going crazy and we will build this up throughout the piece. The uplifting chorus will synchronise with the vibrant colours despite the negative undertones of a depiction of a bad trip.

The end will reveal a twist, the last shot will be of all the photos on the wall – completely blank.

Posted by Sid Charity

Open Questions For Focus Group

- What do you like and dislike about this song?

- What kind of video would you see this song having?

- What kind of artist other then The Feeling would you see in this song?

- (After our video pitch) What kind of character would you see in the main role of this video?

- What kind of artist would you see lip-syncing behind the main character in our pitch?

- What are you opinions on our concept and what could be changed or improved?

Posted By Edward Lindey

Sunday 20 September 2009

First Concept For Music Video

- Our concept is both a narrative and a performance one.

- It will open with shots of a depressed and heartbroken male wearing only dirty boxers and a t-shirt who hasn’t shaved.

- His hair will be messy and so will the mise-en-scene in his flat.

- We can have a direct relationship between the lyrics and visuals by including a shot of a kettle.

- This scene will be crosscut with performance scenes.

- At the start of the performance, he will be in the same state as he is in his flat but the rest of the band will be suitably dressed with an “indie,” style and will be appropriately groomed.

- He gets ready for the show in the flat: shaves, styles his hair, gets washed and dressed. The two scenes will be crosscut and as these changes happen in the flat to make it nicer and more well kept, they are applied when it cuts to the performance.

- We will use techniques such as reducing the size of a shot of the performance and overlaying it onto the TV in the flat, to give the illusion he’s watching himself. We could show a change in the flat applying to the performance using this method.

- We also plan to use a variety of performance scenes. They will be wearing a variety of costume from scene to scene, some will be in smart “indie,” style ex. skinny black jeans, loafers and a suit jacket/waistcoat, maybe a trilby.

- Other scenes will be in casual indie style ex. plain white canvas shoes, skinny jeans and a v-neck jumper over a t-shirt.

- There will also be cutaways of band members excluding the main actor.

- As well as this, some scenes will be shot against a background of bright sky and in dark theatre (if we can gain access.) Basically a variety of mise-en-scene will be used that will cut well with different parts of the flat with similar lighting/composition.

- At the final part of the song he’s properly groomed. Throughout the performances the crowd are seen but not heard, at the end of the song it cuts to the crowd and there’s only a girl clapping enthusiastically, it will be implied it’s the one written about in the lyrics.

- It will end with him turning the TV off, and with that flash the credits will appear on the TV screen.

Posted by Sid Charity