Friday 23 October 2009

This is the actor we have chosen to be our stalker character in are music video. We chose to use him because we felt that his Characteristics and style fited well with the vision of the character we came up with.

posted by Tom Elwes

Wednesday 21 October 2009

A2 Music Video Pitch

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
This is the powerpoint presentation that i created for are pitch for the teachers
Posted by Tom Elwes
"Kettle's On"

I turn on the tap and run some water
Flick a little switch on the wall
I'm hoping you remember what I taught ya
Hoping you remember me at all

I'm strong but I feel like a mouse when you're gone
I'm weak but I'll take on the world when you're here
With me, with me

Can't you see you're in the wrong place
Will you please face it and come home
When I think about you're sweet face
I can't wait for you to come home
I can see you got a real taste but that champaigne but its all gone
Come home, the kettles on

I've got a little something on my mind
To keep it to myself isn't really very kind
Pouring out my heart isn't usually my style
But you gave me an inch so I'm gonna take a mile
You see

I'm strong but I feel like a mouse when you're gone
I'm weak but I'll take on the world when you're here
With me, with me

Can't you see you're in the wrong place
Will you please face it and come home
When I think about you're sweet face
I can't wait for you to come home
I can see you got a real taste but that champaigne but its all gone
So come home, the kettles on

Yea yea yea

Can't you see you're in the wrong place
Will you please face it and come home
When I think about you're sweet face
I can't wait for you to come home

Can't you see you're in the wrong place
Will you please face it and come home
When I think about you're sweet face
I cant wait for you to comeeeeeeeeeeeeee home

These are the lyrics to are A2 media song Kettles On. We tried to upload them with annotations but unfortunately the website would not allow it. Seperate annotations to follow.

Posted by Tom Elwes and Edward Lindey

Tuesday 20 October 2009

This video seems to correlate well with ours because the song has quite a slow build up in the verse with an intense chorus afterwards. The video itself is quite surreal and the song is quite vague and therefore gives the film makers room to create a video of thier liking. Our leaves less room for creativity but still enough for us to be able to defy usual stereotypes seen in music videos as this video does.

Posted By Edward Lindey

More Location Shots

These pictures were taken to show one of our possible locations for the stalker to be stalking the girl he is obsessed with. We were thinking of doing several shots from down under the bridge and some POV shots from on the bridge as the stalker watches the girl walk under the bridge. The dark atmosphere and dirty graffiti are perfect to fit in with our slow building verse before the chorus.

Posted by Edward Lindey

Wednesday 7 October 2009

This video by The Arctic Monkeys could be considered to be an extreme of what we are trying to. The band are obviously not included and there are no performance scenes but the narrative is strong and conveys a story very easily to the audience. Close up shots showing the female character looking battered and bruised is a very good way of portraying the character to the audience.

Posted By Edward Lindey

This video has good ties to what we are trying to do with ours. Although the narrative in ours is considerably different to The Hoosiers the fact that they keep reverting back to a performance scenes which focuses on the artist and then back to the narrative.

Posted By Edward Lindey

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Similar artists- Scouting for Girls

This video by Scouting For Girls called She's So Lovely. The artist within the video is similar to ours in the fact that his style is relatively similar; his hair is parted to the side but still quite messy, his clothes are quite tight and edgy. There are many close ups of the artist in this video which helps present the artist to the audience in his first video. Our concept is similar to this video in the fact that we also have a narrative that runs through the video accompanied with cut backs to performance scenes.

Posted By Edward Lindey

Amendment of concept 2

After the main character passes our artist busking on the street we keep cutting back to him in increasinly unusual locations. Such as the dark room and places the main character has or will visit. We have made this amendment to promote our artist by selling him to our target audience. This will be done by the association between indie culture which originated as unsigned bands. The indie culture appeals to our target audience, which is predominantly between the ages of between 13 and 25.
posted by Tom Elwes

Thursday 1 October 2009

This is a photo of the first shot we've recorded on our storyboard

Posted By Sid Charity

The 1st, 2nd, 4th and last photo on this post all have something in common. They all use perspective to create appeal. The 4th and last use a contrast of subtle colours to make the image stronger. All the images above are possoble locations for when the main actor's cycling and stalking the love interest. As well as this, they could be used for when the main character's walking around the street with the band following.

Posted By Sid Charity

These are more possible locations for the street scenes. The fact they're in black and white is beneficial because we plan to shoot the street scenes like this. Therefore, we will gain a better sense of the aesthetics of our video.

Posted by Sid Charity

This shot has a powerful perspective and uses the compositional rule of thirds. The main subject (the tower block) is 1/3 from the left, which the eye is more naturaly drawn to. The lampost adds a contrast of form, it being thin and tall as opposed to the rest of the forms that are short and bulky. It's highlighted becasue it's offset by the light sky which contrasts to it. This could be used for most parts of the narrative. It could be used for the beggining section or when the main character's following the love interest.

Posted By Sid Charity

This shot was chosen to add variety and invest interest with an experimental technique. This location will be used when the main character is alone cycling or taking pictures.

This location was chosen becasue it can be shot from a high angle, this will add shot variety and will portray the main characters sadness.

We're planning to use this location when the main character is taking photos. For aesthetical appeal, he will sit on the rock and echo the form of the sculpture.

Posted by Sid Charity

This photo contrasts to the rest of the location shots so far. It's full of foliage instead of mostly concrete streets. However, it will stil be shot in black and whote and will have dull undertones, similar to the rest. This shot will be used in the begining section of the video as one of the locations for the singer following the main actor.

This location has bland subject matter but is aesthetically interesting nevertheless. It incorporates several elements. Including, the brick wall with the white strip at the bottom, the meatal gates and foliage with wooden board behind. This bland variety contrasts witht the foliage, trees and sky, making a balanced framing.

This location is aesthetically graphic because of the perspective and contrast between the caged bridge and the sky (in this case blue.) It also lends itself to cityscapes in the background becasue of the high vantage point, this also allows us to incorporate a moving train and the people on the platform as a point of interest. It's suitable as a place for the main character to be walking or cycling and/or taking pictures. The fact it's narrow could make an edgy shot of him cycling on it.

Posted by Sid Charity